Wednesday, 20 June 2012

What's in my lunch box this week? - loafs and veggies

Lunchbox with food
This lunch box was a real reminder that lots of vegetables make pretty satisfying lunch. I'm always worried that without some serious carbohydrates and proteins I'll spend the afternoon dreaming about bags of crisps instead of doing something useful. Happily this combo of beer bread, bean loaf and vegetables mean I was able to avoid that possibility.

Clockwise from top right:

  • Radishes and celery
  • Cucumber
  • My take on the Wellington filling in The vegan Lunch box. As ever I just could stick to the recipe and threw in sunflower seeds and pickles while omitting walnuts and most of the suggested seasonings. Turned out great anyway but I don't think you can go that far wrong with this one. Although there was the time I put rather a lot of celery in and the time I added grape jelly...
  • Carrots and slices of home made beer bread

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