After last week and the various things going on in my life I knew I would really appreciate my weekend.
I kicked things off by buying loads of good food on Friday. I think the guy on the market was a bit distracted as I only realised that I had no peppers when I was deciding on pizza toppings.
Saturday I went out first thing and got some fresh air while walking 8km. Then I popped into the library to return a book and came out with a load more. I love having a pile of free reading materials to dip into.
I was expecting to perform some burlesque pieces at a carnival late afternoon. First my lift dropped out and then, while I pondered if I should drive myself and where I should park, the whole thing was pulled due to the weather. So I took the opportunity to make another huge chunk of patchwork.
I got my burlesque dose on Saturday night, by watching some burlesque programmes I'd recorded on Sky, while I did some knitting.
Sunday I made a good start on the day by making a nut and bean loaf and beer bread. I'd hoped for lots of produce from my allotment but the weather seems to be taking it toll. I was sad to see lots of unripe strawberries knocked off the plants by heavy rain. The rocket and spinach are still doing well though and I'm hoping the beans will do ok.
The rest of the day was all about food and sewing.
I enjoyed a big brunch before going through the sewing projects that I could easily complete in the next week. Then I ordered some midorigreen mini cards from
Moo. It'll be great to be able to give them to people when I tell them about my blogging and Twitter activities.
Then I enjoyed an awesome plate of food while watching some daft programme about aliens. I'm really inspired by some of the blogs I read that have fantastic looking food. At present I'm really enjoying
Keeping healthy, getting stylish. She has some really tasty, healthy, fresh looking food for me to aspire to.
Looking back on the weekend I want to make bread more often, keep eating lots of fresh stuff, get exercise and keep sewing. That's how to recharge my batteries and keep living life.